August 4, 2010






    Well the only thing going on around here is the hot dry weather, but I am guess it is hot where you are too, so take it easy and get some AC , man I don’t know what I would do without AC , makes me wonder how people made it before we had it , I know when I was a kid we sure as heck didn’t have any AC , Hell we didn’t even have electricity until I was in school , ( and you thought the good old days had it going on )  some things were good like families and friends stayed togather and helped each other and looked out for each other, nowa days yyou don’t even know the people next door.

    I was just wondering if Iran and Afganistan and those Country’s are Third World Country’s  Who are 1st and 2nd ???????

    If things are so dangerous in Mexican why do they let people go there for vacation ?

    If cities and towns everywhere are putting up smoking bans because smoking is bad for you , Why don’t they shut down the company’s who make them ?????

    So like I said here I am just doing nothing , will have to put out water hoses and water the yard as soon as it gets daylight out , no way I am getting out there in the dark with the snakes and no telling what else , just call me chicken , I want to see where I am stepping and what I am stepping on . sometimes I think watering the damm yard has taken over my life . come on cloud people bring me some rain.

    Grand-daughter sent me a ring tone yesterday , she is always trying to fine me one I like , so she knew I loved that song ” Need You Now” By Lady Antebellum so she found it and sent it to me so now I have new ring tone smooch Hey I was happy just to have the damm phone ring or make racket or whatever but she wanted me to have a ring tone ???

    Well life is so exciteing here think I will go wash my dishes



Comments (4)

  • Today I volunteer at the local museum.  I work in the gift shop.  1-4 and I am lucky if anyone comes into the store.  That is my excitement!

  • Sometimes, doing nothing is the best thing and I’ve found that doing nothing often takes a lot of time.  More so than you’d think.  

  • Have a nice day

  • My sister and I were at Hardee’s eating today and we were talking about growing up without an AC….How did we ever manage she ask!  Well we never knew they exsisted maybe they didn’t heeeeee…we had a huge window fan and made due never knew anything else.  I know we went swimming as often as possible when it was hot weather.  Hugs

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